During these last six years we have raised funds to secure our new building on the ‘old bowling club’ grounds behind Bunnings, Silverdale. This site is situated on the Memorial Park allocated to us by the Auckland City Council. Resource Consent and Planning Approval took some time to process due to the usual formalities by which time we received the funding required to progress on our pathway, all be it to the shell lock-up stage. From this part completion we looked for further funding for the internal fit-out prior to our occupation.
This new build gives the Hibiscus Mens Shed a place to call our own in a quite central location. The purpose built design allows the Shed setup to be more conducive to the day to day operation giving members the floor space and room to go about their projects. The Shed has an operating certificate for 45 'sheddies' at any one time. With our new premises we are currently open five mornings a week, 9.00am - 12.30pm.
These larger premises, in excess of 450m2 allows our membership to grow with space and modern facilities.
With the demographic shift of retirees into the greater Whangaparaoa/Orewa/Silverdale areas makes the larger designed building more suitable to our needs of working floor space.Most importantly is the inclusion of the 'lunch room' where friendly chat and a cuppa is the norm.
The facility, although primarily consisting of workshops for woodworking and metal working, also has a substantial meeting/lunch room/activities room, suitable for Community Groups other than the Hibiscus Men's Shed. Also within the structure is an area for hobby-work as well as IT/Electronic work.